Tiptree Fellows of 2015: Walidah Imarisha and Elizabeth LaPensée

I am exceedingly delighted to announce that the 2015 cohort of Tiptree Fellows has been announced. They are the truly fabulous Walidah Imarisha and Elizabeth LaPensée.

LaPensée expresses herself through writing, design, and art in games, comics, and animation. Imarisha is an educator, editor, writer, organizer and spoken word artist. Both these creators are stretching the boundaries of speculative fiction by telling new stories and exploring new media through which stories can be told. Read more at the Tiptree website.

The Tiptree Fellowships program, which has been my main project within the Tiptree Motherboard this past year, supports the development of new work, in any form or genre, that uses speculative narrative to expand or explore our understanding of gender, especially in its intersections with race, nationality, class, disability, sexuality, age, and other categories of identification and structures of power. I’m so grateful to everyone who applied (we wished we could have given more than two fellowships) and to the rest of the selection committee – my fellow Tiptree Motherboard member Debbie Notkin, Tiptree Literary Award winner Nisi Shawl, and the inaugural Tiptree Fellow, who we brought on board to help design the program, micha cárdenas.

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