
As part of my scholarly project, I am interested in exploring the critical possibilities of new cultural forms developed by fans and made more popular with the explosion of digital media cultures. When trying to understand these formations, I have found that making can be as important a form of research practice as reading, writing, watching, and listening. The subcultural video form of vidding has become particularly important to me, and I have learned so much from my fellow participants there.

The videos linked below provide a multimodal connecting link between my projects on Old Futures and (Queer) Geek Politics, as well as between critical media analysis and digital humanities production-as-research. In the future, I hope to continue building on this work, to expand the scholarly prospects that can emerge from this kind of fan music video without losing its specificity.

What is vidding?

The Future Stops Here

Love is the Plan the Plan is Death / Sons and Daughters

The Enemy Within

Metal Heart

Black Steel

One thought on “Video

  1. Pingback: Digital scholarship, vidding, and risk « queer geek theory

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